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Facial Skin Scanning

Many skin conditions that surface in time originate from the deeper skin layers and are difficult to diagnose with the human eye.

At Flawless Body we want to make sure, when making a diagnosis, we get it right. Our state of the art Facial Skin Scanner is invaluable when it comes to ensuring that we recommend the best treatment that is personalised to your skin.

By combining our skin care expertise with technology, we are able to not only scan but also show you on a screen any concerns that are identified – but more importantly, revisit in weeks and months to come to show the change. We have always been a results led clinic and nothing gives us more satisfaction than personalising treatment plans for clients and seeing the results.

What can it see that our naked eye cant?

Once the scan is complete you will see images of your face that were taken under different light conditions. This will enable to discuss with you the following:

Surface Texture

A magnified visualisation of the skins surface texture to observe the skin’s microrelief, pores, fine lines and wrinkles in high detail.

Skin Complexion

An unparalleled view beneath it’s surface to clearly distinguish redness caused by skin sensitivity, irritation and vascular conditions from actual pigmentation that are not visible to the eye.

Skin Health

By exposing the sun to a low harmless dose of UV rays, skin impairments and conditions such as loss of structural integrity and subsurface pigmentation clearly stand out from healthy skin tissue.

Skin Secretions

The activity of the sebaceous glands become clearly identifiable. The health and activity of these glands are important parameters in determining skin type and hydration level.

Natural Daylight

The face is illuminated evenly with a diffuse light coming from multiple directions. This is a soft even light, devoid of shadows and sharp lines. This representation offers a baseline in the overall clinical evaluation of the skin.

How to Book a Skin Scan

Firstly its worth pointing out that we don’t charge for this service. We love what we do and sometimes this leads to you making use of some our treatments and other times we may just offer some friendly homecare advice.

To book a consultation you can call us on 01780 660302 or simple send us a contact request by clicking here.

Body Confidence

We want people to feel great about themselves and we think by helping people enhance the way they look and feel about their bodies goes some way to achieving this.

Bespoke Solutions for Bespoke Bodies

Every BODY is different, therefore we want customers to be confident that we have selected the best equipment, staff, and have the right advice to ensure that we provide a service that is bespoke for the individual.

All Things to All People

We aim to cater our services for men, women and transgender. We have private treatment rooms and expect no one to feel uncomfortable in anyway.

Book Your Free Consultation

Or call 01780 660302

Professional Equipment from:

3D Ultimate Logo | Flawless Body
Lumenis Logo | Flawless Body
Geneo Logo | Flawless Body
Skintech Logo | Flawless Body
Skinceuticals Logo | Flawless Body
Lumenis Logo | Flawless Body
Geneo Logo | Flawless Body
Skintech Logo | Flawless Body

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