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Fat Freezing | Flawless Body

Fat Freezing

Laser Therapy | Before & After | Flawless Body

Fat Freezing or Cryolipolysis, can selectively target troublesome areas of fat such as muffin tops, love handles, bingo wings and back fat. The treatments destroys fat cells to reduce fat in the selected area.

Also known as CoolSculpting, it is a completely non-invasive, safe and effective treatment for the reduction of body fat. It is a fraction of the cost of cosmetic surgery making this treatment a real alternative to liposuction.

We can combine fat freezing treatments with shockwave therapy. Shockwave therapy has been clinically proven to improve the effects of fat freeze treatments whilst also speeding up the time it takes to see results.

How does it work?

Cryolipolysis (Fat Freezing) is the controlled freezing of fat cells to cause apoptosis or programmed cell death. When fat cells are exposed to a precise cooling between -1°C and -5°C they undergo crystallisation, this process produces an inflammatory response which causes the fat cell to shrink and then die.

Cells are more vulnerable to cold temperatures and freeze at lower temperatures compared to other tissues. Structures such as skin tissue, blood vessels, and our nervous system are not as sensitive to freezing and are therefore totally unaffected by the treatment.

The body removes the damaged cells in the normal way via the lymphatic system and are naturally eliminated from your body over the coming weeks.

Arrange to speak to one of our experts

Or call 01780 660302

What areas can be treated?

Areas that can be treated are:

  • Double Chin
  • Abdomen
  • Hips
  • Buttocks
  • Inner thighs
  • Outer thighs
  • Inner arms

What results can I expect?

Results are visible between 6 – 12 weeks after your treatment; however some people have seen results appearing after just 4 or 5 weeks. Your body continues to metabolise and clear the damaged cells from the treated area for up to 4 or 6 months after your initial treatment.

Are you eligible for this treatment?

The treatment is suitable for both women and men. However, cannot be performed if:

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Heart conditions including a Pacemaker
  • History of Thrombosis or Thrombophlebitis
  • Taking Anticoagulant Medication
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Epilepsy
  • Auto-Immune Conditions
  • Transplant Surgery
  • Skin Thinning Medication
  • Water Retention
  • Alcoholic

Treatment Summary

Treatment Time | Flawless Body
Treatment time:
Up to 1hr – 4 areas at once
Recovery Time | Flawless Body
Recovery time:
Discomfort Level | Flawless Body
Discomfort level:
Low to medium
Back to Work | Flawless Body
Back to work:
Immediate in most cases
Recommended Number of Treatments | Flawless Body
Recommended number of treatments:
1 session every 6 months
Risks & Complications | Flawless Body
Risks & complications:
Redness & skin irritation

Pricing - Cryolipolysis (Fat Freezing)

Double Chin
45 minutes
1 area
60 minutes
2 areas
4 areas
6 areas


3D Shockwave

1 area
2 areas
4 areas
6 areas

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We aim to cater our services for men, women and transgender. We have private treatment rooms and expect no one to feel uncomfortable in anyway.

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Or call 01780 660302

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