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Life events such as childbirth, weight fluctuation and hormonal changes may overstretch and damage vaginal tissue and the pelvic floor as well as alter mucosal tone of the vaginal wall. These changes can lead to urinary incontinence, vulvovaginal atrophy (VVA), dryness and cause recurring infections all of which have a potential effect on the quality of life and self confidence.

Globally 15% of premenopausal women and 50% of postmenopausal women experience symptoms associated to VVA.

What is Vaginal Atrophy?

With age and declining oestrogen levels, the wall of the vagina loses collagen, becomes thinner and the natural elasticity and blood supply is reduced. The protective lining of the vagina loses hydration and thickness, causing a loss of lubrication and changes in the natural balance of the internal environment. This in turn can cause:

  • Incontinence
  • Vaginal Dryness & Itchiness
  • Vaginal laxity & Loosening
  • Dyspareunia – painful sexual intercourse and bleeding

We use Carbon Dioxide Fractional Laser (CO2) technology that is highly effective at vaginal rejuvenation from 3D Lipo called Vjuve. It is fully FDA approved and comes from a manufacturer who has a track record in providing equipment that is safe and delivers results.

How does it work?

Like skin, vaginal tissue is made up of collagen fibres which give it strength and flexibility. Vjuve uses breakthrough CO2 laser technology to gently heat vaginal tissue, contracting existing fibres and stimulating the formation of new collagen.

The 3D-Vjuve CO2 laser delivers superficial energy into vaginal skin which creates tiny white ablated dots of damaged tissue on the mucosal tissue inside the vaginal canal. The resulting heating response stimulates new collagen production improving the thickness of the vaginal lining.

The treatment is fast and effective and uses multiple tiny columns of laser energy to stimulate collagen production and regeneration of normal vaginal tissue. It uses the same proven laser technology that has been used for the past 15 years to rejuvenate the sensitive skin of the face, and as mentioned earlier is a fully FDA approved treatment delivered by a Medical Nurse with an assistant in attendance.

Is it permanent?

This is really down to the individual. As the natural ageing process continues, top-up treatments maybe required.

A single top-up treatment may be necessary every 6-18 months depending on hormonal and other factors.

Arrange to speak to one of our experts

Or call 01780 660302

What results can I expect?

Most patients feel an improvement after the first treatment however, the full benefits of are usually achieved after 3 treatments, each spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart.

Are you eligible for this treatment?

There are a few contraindications where we would not be able to do this treatment. The most common being:

  • Active vaginal or vulvar infection (herpes, candida, papilloma virus or any sexual transmitted disease)
  • Vaginal, cervical or other lesions in the treatment area that have not been investigated and diagnosed
  • Pregnancy or within 6 months postpartum
  • Any type of prolapse
  • A history of:
    • Radiotherapy to vaginal or colorectal tissue
    • Surgical reconstruction of pelvic floor with “mesh”
    • Impaired wound healing or excessive bleeding condition
    • Keloid formation
    • On long-term anticoagulant treatment for thromboembolic condition

Treatment Summary

Treatment Time | Flawless Body
Treatment time:
30 minutes
Recovery Time | Flawless Body
Recovery time:
No downtime – refrain from heavy lifting and sex for 7 days
Discomfort Level | Flawless Body
Discomfort level:
Minimal to None
Back to Work | Flawless Body
Back to work:
In most cases immediately
Recommended Number of Treatments | Flawless Body
Recommended number of sessions:
1 - 3
Risks & Complications | Flawless Body
Risks & complications:
Extreme risk of laser burn

Pricing - Incontinence

Single Session
Course of 3
Annual Top Up

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Body Confidence

We want people to feel great about themselves and we think by helping people enhance the way they look and feel about their bodies goes some way to achieving this.

Bespoke Solutions for Bespoke Bodies

Every BODY is different, therefore we want customers to be confident that we have selected the best equipment, staff, and have the right advice to ensure that we provide a service that is bespoke for the individual.

All Things to All People

We aim to cater our services for men, women and transgender. We have private treatment rooms and expect no one to feel uncomfortable in anyway.

Book Your Free Consultation

Or call 01780 660302

Professional Equipment from:

3D Ultimate Logo | Flawless Body
Lumenis Logo | Flawless Body
Geneo Logo | Flawless Body
Skintech Logo | Flawless Body
Skinceuticals Logo | Flawless Body
Lumenis Logo | Flawless Body
Geneo Logo | Flawless Body
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